On Sept. 13, 2024, the 39th Prix Gémeaux industry gala, which recognizes the work of Québec television professionals, honoured two of the nine SOCAN members nominated in the categories celebrating made-for-TV music. First, Philippe Brault won Best Musical Theme: All Categories, for his work on Season Two of Une affaire criminelle (Les Productions Sovimage, Editions : Montagne Royale/Les Éditions Sovi Son inc.).

Brault couldn’t be there in person, because he was accompanying Daniel Bélanger onstage in Sherbrooke, but we reached out to get his reaction: “It’s my first Gémeau, so, of course, I’m touched. It’s even more meaningful since I won it for a project that was created in a pleasant atmosphere, with a lot of creative freedom. It’s such a luxury to be able to compose for such a well written and brilliantly directed series. It’s almost like a gift for a composer.”

In the Best Original Score: Fiction or Documentary category, screen composer Kim Gaboury was awarded a Gémeau for his score to Season Two of the series Classé secret (Duo Productions, publisher: Musique Nordique). Also nominated in the other musical category, and also unable to attend in person, he felt just as honoured: “This Gémeau for Classé Secret is a great recognition for all the work done. It’s an immense pleasure to see my collaboration with Stéphan Beaudoin recognized in this way.”

On the eve of the Gala des artisans, SOCAN invited nominees in the two Gémeaux music categories to a convivial dinner at Montréal’s Le Molière restaurant. Seven of the nine nominated SOCAN members accepted the invitation from chief membership officer Jean-Christian Céré, joining a SOCAN delegation that celebrated their successes, and allowed them to network with their colleagues. This initiative was greatly appreciated by all, especially considering screen composers don’t often have the opportunity to meet informally.

Congratulations to Philippe Brault, Kim Gaboury, and all the nominees in the two music categories! For more information on the winners and nominated artists at the Gémeaux, visit the Academy website.