Anyone who’s taken the time to observe Virginie B’s overflowing creativity over the past five years knows that she always has a surprise in store. A brilliant juggler of musical styles, she’s never been afraid to go in unexpected directions.

It’s even truer now, with the release of Astral 2000, her sophomore album, where the singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist gives us “a unique re-appropriation of the codes of hyperpop, incorporating touches of nu-jazz, funk, and R&B, sprinkled with a refined conceptual approach, inspired by art-pop, with a penchant for maximalism and glamour.” This lofty goal takes “chanson Francophone” to territories where it’s rarely been, in synch with the world’s most avant-garde pop currents.

At Paroles & Musique’s request, she was kind enough to deconstruct Astral 2000, an album she conceived with her talented collaborator and co-producer Louis Jeay-Beaulieu, with the goal that as many people as possible feel invited to her spellbinding musical celebration.

Virginie B, presents, Astral 2000, SOCAN

Select the image to play the SOCAN YouTube interview video with Virginie B